Friday 15 November 2013

Survey for our film title example

Here is an overview of our plot:

Katie is a 20 year old student living with her friends her in old family home. Her father had died in the home because of an accident when she turned 18. Her mother killed herself in prison when Katie was 5 but she never understood why her mother was in prison. She knew she had killed her best friend in the house she was living in but never understood why. When she starts to investigate her mother’s life she discovers that her mother Elizabeth was a kind person and the murder couldn’t be explained by anyone. Her friend Lucas finds a diary in the attic which is written by a woman called Helena in 1936 and describes her affair with a married man named William. William’s wife Katherine was Helena’s best friend. She wrote about how scared she was becoming because of Katherine’s behaviour, Katherine seemed to be acting very suspicious and often screamed at her in a wild temper. Katie is concerned about her past and paranoid because she realises Katherine was her ancestor. Her best friend Lucy says there is nothing to worry about and she should forget about what had happened but then strange events unfold. The house grows cold, they hear distant screams and photos of her mother and father are moved around and broken. One morning the students come down into the kitchen and everything has been trashed except for the diary Lucas found which is untouched open on the floor. She looks in the mirror and it smashes over her. Matthew is paranoid about what has happened and tries to convince everyone they should leave and as he drags Katie out of the door with bags in the hallway he flies out of the door and is hit by a car. Only a scream and the skid of the car are heard. A few months later (shots would show a change from summer to winter) Katherine says she is pregnant and they all notice that the haunting has stopped but a year later after her son is born Katherine gets frustrated and is upset constantly. She sees Lucas with Lucy together and thinks Lucas is cheating on her. As her suspicions build she follows Lucy to her lectures etc. Lucas connects her suspicions with those of her ancestor Katherine from in the diary. He researches the past events and realises that Katie’s mother killed her best friend because she thought she was having an affair. He rushes back to the house and sees Katie stood behind Lucy with a knife as he fights her to steal the knife he is stabbed in the chest and falls to the floor. As he is dying he says to her it’s Helena who has been haunting them and he loves her alone. As he says this, there is a yell from upstairs footsteps can be heard as the ghost rushes down to kill Lucy and Katie, glasses fly everywhere the doors are locking and as they rush out to the window they decide to jump together. Katie apologies for her acts, apologises to her baby who is crying upstairs, pushes Lucy into the room to jump out of the window alone, because she knows the Ghost only wants her. At the end of the film Lucy would be seen older and looking after the son named Lucas who is sat studying a box of items from his old house including Helena’s diary.

So judging on this plot, which film title do you think would be most relevant for the plot? (mark next to)


Entity revenge


A human beast

Hidden deaths

Approaching (The Approach) 

Lost bones


The unseen

Vengeful dead

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