Wednesday 13 November 2013

Blair Witch Project film analysis

Immediately at the start of the film, the horror stereotypes are met when there's text about 3 students that have gone missing on the woods to find the 'Blair Witch', personally due to the use of hand-held cameras thus keeping production costs and budget down, because of this, I think the Paranormal Activity series has taken a lot of influence from The Blair Witch Project. The film target audience again is around 15-25 because the use of students, so the audience can relate to their age and their actions, I think the film also plays on people's fears because of the scariness of 'being lost in woods' and the idea of it being a wilderness. Personally, I didn't find the film all that scary, however there were many jumpy and eerie parts such as when the stick figures were found and when I could hear the sounds of the children, the film was also good at strange moments, such as when they went over log on the stream twice, despite heading south continuously, and there appearing to be slime on one of the characters possessions.

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