Thursday 5 December 2013

Script/dialogue for our trailer

Basic idea of the allocated dialogue to the shots:

Shot 1- No dialogue
Shot 2- Lucas- Guess who’s back?!
Shot 3- Katie- Who is going to get the king?
Shot 4- Katie- Boys don’t prank me this year
Lucas- Haha, how was your summer anyway?
Lucy- Just get on with the game lucas!
Shot 5- Katie- Shall we go see the rest of the house?
Shot 6- Matt- Wow did you just see that? (Lucas face is blank)
Shot 7- Lucas- So it is your old family home then?
Shot 8,9,10- No dialogue
Shot 11- Lucas- This is old
Shot 12- Lucas- Who the hell is Helena?
Shot 13- No dialogue
Shot 14/15- Matthew- So how did your parents die? To Katie- Ffion
Shot 16- What was that? Cut to Lucas
Shot 17- No dialogue
Shot 18- No dialogue
Shot 19-22- Music playing… Smashing mirror.. black flash.. Katie screams
Shot 23- No dialogue
Shot 24- No dialogue- silent (THUD)
Shot 26-27- No dialogue
Shot 28- Baby crying edited over
Shot 29- No dialogue
Shot 30- Music turns on
Shot 31- Lucas- I am petrified
Shot 32- Lucy- What’g going on?
Shot 33- No dialogue
Shot 34- Non diegetic thud
Shot 35- Non diegetic opening door
Shot 36- Non diegetic heavy breathing/ heart beat
Shot 37- Don’t cry baby (don’t know who it is)
Shot 38- No dialogue
Shot 39- Lucy screaming Katie voice over.. fades out black!
Shot 40- Non diegetic smashing of bottle
Shot 41- No dialogue
Shot 42- Lucy- Typical he says to go and he isn’t even ready
Shot 43- No dialogue
Shot 44- Heartbeat
Shot 45- No dialogue
Shot 46- Matt- What?
Shot 47- No dialogue
Shot 48- Jess- GET OUT GET OUT
Shot 49- No dialogue
Shot 50- Please believe you can let this go, we will get you help
Shot 51- No dialogue
Shot 52- No dialogue- Non diegetic crashing
Shot 53- No dialogue
Shot 54- Non diegetic foot steps
Shot 55- No dialogue
Shot 56- No dialogue
Shot 57- Katie gasps (possibly last)
Shot 58- Non diegetic slamming of door
Shot 59- No dialogue
Shot 60- No dialogue
Shot 61- No dialogue…
Shot 62- Lucas- Anyone there?
Shot 63- No dialogue

Shot 64- Screaming over intertitle

The cabin in the woods poster analysis -prezi