Thursday 12 September 2013

My Plot Initial Draft

Film Plot

A group of foreign investors buy a plot of green land next to a small country road, their plan is to build two rows of houses opposite each other with a street separating the houses, little did they know this was the site of a battlefield during the War Of The Roses.

The film follows the Robinson's, a family of four with two daughters 'start fresh' in the estate, it follows them befriending a family living opposite and living life normally, when all of a sudden things aren't right, the families start to get sleepless nights, start having abnormal dreams and start hearing strange noises, one thing though is that all of these things link together.

On the third day, Rose, the youngest daughter of the two, stays over the neighbours house, at roughly 1am she hears the sound of metal clanking together, obviously traumatized with the sound she screams and wakes up the other girl , they all look out the window to see two men in armour fighting, the young children of both the families realise that it's their Dads fighting, but don't get any wounds because they are ghosts, although they alerted the brother, he swears he couldn't see anything.

On the sixth day the youngest child of the Robinson family is playing in the garden when she comes across a mud mound, she decides to dig into it when she finds a small book about the War of the Roses, meanwhile, the Dad comes home from the neighbours house at 11pm with a family friend who was staying for a few days, after watching the football match, the Dad mentions to the neighbours Dad about the book the daughter found, he too is curious, but little did they know that finding the book meant that trouble would arrive soon.

On the eighth day, the final day the Robinson's family friend stay; he hears the whole family get up during the night, shouting things such as “Fight!” he looks out of the window to see every family in the street getting up, with this he runs out of the guest room and notices the family all dressed in uniform and equipped with swords running out of the front door. He decides to follow them and hide behind a bush, he examines that each row of houses is fighting against each other. he is caught by the opposite family (in which their side of the road are wearing different uniform to everyone on his side of the road) because he's on the opposite side to them, he is surrounded by the ghosts, around the entrance of the house, to which he runs into the house and jumps off the balcony, falling to his death.

I have taken some influence from Paranormal Activity and Sinister, whilst trying to add my own originality to the horror genre. The target audience for the film will be similar to Paranormal Activity, 15-25 of equal genres, I think this is a good age because at this age people possibly have a sort of disposable income and possibly will want to socialise with friends.  

This is my first idea for a film plot, it's the first ever idea and things will definitely be changed along the course